Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's a .....

BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baby A was so cooperative and showed us his goods last Wednesday at the ultrasound! I knew right away what the extra appendage was, and had to explain to the stunned daddy (we both were convinced it was a girl!). We are both really excited and can't wait to buy him his first Duck-wear!
Along with the money shot, the tech showed us many different images of Baby A. The first shot of the head was straight on, kind of creepy looking. I guess many people think their baby looks like an alien when they see this shot, but my first reaction was that he looks like The Punisher logo. I said this before I knew it was a boy, and on my way home from BRU later that day I saw a car with a Punisher bumber sticker, so Baby A's nickname is totally set: The Punisher.

Next we were able to see a shot of the profile, which was much cuter! Baby A has a tiny upturned nose and I think he's going to look very much like his dad when he's born.

After the tech gathered all the measurements and information she needed, she told us that everything looked great and that he is measuring a few days ahead. The next day at my doctor appointment, my doctor asked me how much I weighed when I was born. I told her I was 8lbs 10oz and she said that I am pretty right on track to have one of those myself!!! I'm growing a big one!!! He's already 13oz, give or take a few, and I definitely feel him in there stretching out my uterus.
I'm so excited to be having a boy and I can't wait to hold him! 19 more weeks! In the meantime, I guess I'll have to be content to finish all my projects!

20 weeks, 5 days

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