Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Crazy, Vivid Dreams!!!

If you have ever heard that pregnant women have more dreams, let me tell you, this one's true! Last Saturday I had four nightmares!!! I'm thinking these might have been the product of too much sugar before bedtime, but still, four???
Nightmare #1: K and I had an enormous fight, he stuck my shoes in a mailbox and then drove off in his own car
Nightmare #2: Feeling sorry for myself after said fight, I head to my parents house only to realize someone had broken in (intruder dreams are apparently common in pregnant women)
After these dreams, I made Keenan wake up and go check our house for burglars.
Nightmare #3: I was a high ticket winner at Chuck E Cheese and they wanted to award me so they made me sit on top of this really high podium thing so the whole restaurant could see me. The lady worker made me sign a whole bunch of documents, and when she left I jumped off the podium and wanted to cash in my tickets and leave. Only to find out that they closed the ticket redemption shop because they sold out of most things. I was soooo mad! Nightmare status worthy indeed!
Nightmare #4: Not really sure what this one was about because I can't remember, but I do know there was another one!
The next two nights were pretty relaxing (in fact, I think I was able to sleep through one entire night without a potty break!) However, last night, the dreams started again. Luckily they weren't nightmare worthy.
Dream #1: I had my first labor dream! I went to the hospital to give birth, and the next thing I know I'm waking up in a hospital bed. Meaning I had blacked out and couldn't remember the labor AT ALL!!! I couldn't even remember the moment that my mom came in! Apparently they gave me too much medication of some sort, and while I seemed all there and pushed that baby out, I had no recollection of doing so. Then my dream contradicted itself when I found out that I did the whole birth without drugs. Hmmmm....
Dream #2: Okay, this one could be labeled nightmarish. Mutants were taking over our bodies and we had to escape to Canada. K and I decided that we couldn't hide from them any longer, so we sprinkled ourselves with some type of orange glistening stuff (because apparently when you become a mutant you turn sparkly orange), and tried to act like the mutants.
Ummm, yeah, like I said, crazy, vivid dreams!

19 weeks, 1 day

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